Saturday, January 26, 2013

On Time vs. In Time

Masih bingung dg penggunaan "on time" & "in time"? Memang agak mirip sih. Keduanya berhubungan dg ketepatan waktu. Namun, "on time" cenderung digunakan utk yg berhubungan dg janji yg sudah dijadwalkan sebelumnya. Sedangkan "in time" lebih cenderung "pas pada waktunya", tidak terlambat & kejadian blum berakhir.

Utk lebih jelasnya, kita coba analisa contoh berikut:
1. The manager wants the meeting to start exactly on time.
2. Jim would have died if they hadn’t got him to the hospital in time.

Pada contoh 1, rapat pastinya sdh dijadwalkan & manajer ngga mau molor waktunya. Contoh 2, bukan sebuah janji yg terjadwal, tp Jim belum terlambat utk diselamatkan. Klo terlambat sedikit dibawa ke rumah sakit dia akan mati.

Contoh lain:
1. The bus was late this morning but it is usually on time .
2. The film was supposed to start at 8.30 but it didn't begin on time .
3. I like to get up in time  to have a big breakfast before going to work.
4. We want to start the meeting on time , so please don't be late.
5. I've just washed this shirt. I want to wear it this evening, so I hope it will be dry in time .
6. The train service is not very good. The trains are rarely on time.
7. I nearly missed my flight this morning. I got to the airport just in time.
8. I nearly forgot that it was Joe's birthday. Fortunately I remembered in time.
9. Why are you never on time? You always keep everybody waiting.
10. I got home in time to see the football match.

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