Monday, February 18, 2013


Kamu pernah merhatiin ngga, dalam bhs Inggris itu ada kata "sometimes" (pake "s"), "sometime" (tidak pake "s") & "some time" (2 kata). Nah, tau bedanya ngga? Klo belum, perhatikan yg berikut ini:

sometimes = kadang
- Sometimes, I just don’t understand what that man is saying.

sometime = suatu waktu (di masa akan datang)
- Give me a call sometime, and we’ll have coffee.
Untuk lebih mudahnya "sometime" bisa juga diganti "someday"

some time = beberapa waktu
- I need some time to think about it.

Utk lebih jelasnya, silakan buka kamus ya! :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Live vs. Life

"Life" sbg kata benda memiliki makna:

1. hidup/kehidupan, contoh:
- He hoped for a new life in Singapore.
- All this paperwork has made life much more difficult.
- He lived a long and happy life.

2. nyawa, contoh:
- His heroism saved a life.
- The battery had a short life.

Bentuk jamak dari "life" yaitu "lives".
"Life" jg bisa berfungsi sbg kata sifat, yg artinya tentu berhubungan dg hidup/nyawa. Contoh:
- He was given a life sentence in prison.
(life sentence = hukuman seumur hidup)

Sementara "live" memiliki banyak fungsi & banyak arti, antara lain:

1. Sbg verb bisa berarti "tinggal"
- Where do you live?
2. Sbg verb bisa berarti "hidup"
- They live happily after getting married.
- He lived to the age of 98.
- He's very sick and he may not live much longer.
3. Sbg adjective bisa berarti "langsung" (bukan rekaman).
- There's a cafe with a live music in my neighborhood.
- She was nervous about being interviewed on live radio.
4. Sbg adjective bisa juga berarti "nyala/hidup" utk benda yg ada energinya.
- He tossed a live cigarette out the window.
- She said that there is a live bomb in the building.

Made from atau Made of ?

Klo mau mengatakan "terbuat dari" itu pakai "made from" atau "made of"? Simak penjelasan berikut:

"Made from" digunakan apabila bahan dasar utk membuat berubah atau tidak kelihatan lagi bentuk bahan dasarnya. Contoh:
- Wine is made from grapes.
(sudah tidak wujud "grape", tp berubah jadi "wine")
- Paper is made from wood.
(sudah tidak wujud "wood" lagi, tp berubah jadi "paper")

"Made of" kebalikannya, bahan dasar yg digunakannya masih berujud atau masih tampak. Contoh:
- The chairs are made of wood.
(masih tampak bahan dasar "wood")
- The house is made of bricks.
(bahan "brick" masih tetap utuh meski sudah dilapisi semen)

Contoh lain:
1. This shirt is made of cotton.
2. The chair is made of leather.
3. The vodka is made from potatoes.
4. The tea is made from barley.
5. The watch is made of gold.

Perbedaan "Beside" dan "Besides"

Tau ngga bedanya "beside" & "besides"? Cuma beda pd huruf "s" doang lho, tp maknanya udah beda.

Klo "beside" (tanpa huruf "s") artinya "di samping" atau "di sebelah". Contoh:
- She sat beside him during dinner.
- They were walking beside me.

Klo "besides" (yg pake "s") artinya "selain". Contoh:
- She wants to learn other languages besides English and French.
- Besides its famous cakes, the bakery also makes delicious breads.

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