Saturday, February 2, 2013

Live vs. Life

"Life" sbg kata benda memiliki makna:

1. hidup/kehidupan, contoh:
- He hoped for a new life in Singapore.
- All this paperwork has made life much more difficult.
- He lived a long and happy life.

2. nyawa, contoh:
- His heroism saved a life.
- The battery had a short life.

Bentuk jamak dari "life" yaitu "lives".
"Life" jg bisa berfungsi sbg kata sifat, yg artinya tentu berhubungan dg hidup/nyawa. Contoh:
- He was given a life sentence in prison.
(life sentence = hukuman seumur hidup)

Sementara "live" memiliki banyak fungsi & banyak arti, antara lain:

1. Sbg verb bisa berarti "tinggal"
- Where do you live?
2. Sbg verb bisa berarti "hidup"
- They live happily after getting married.
- He lived to the age of 98.
- He's very sick and he may not live much longer.
3. Sbg adjective bisa berarti "langsung" (bukan rekaman).
- There's a cafe with a live music in my neighborhood.
- She was nervous about being interviewed on live radio.
4. Sbg adjective bisa juga berarti "nyala/hidup" utk benda yg ada energinya.
- He tossed a live cigarette out the window.
- She said that there is a live bomb in the building.

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